Posted on 4/26/2023

Brake pads are one of those brake parts that require service many times throughout the course of the vehicle's life. They are necessary for keeping you and others safe on the road, so it's essential to check that they work and replace them when necessary. Here are some key signs that indicate it is time to change your brake pads: Squeaking or squealing noise If you hear a high-pitched squeaking or squealing sound when you apply pressure to the brakes, it is safe to assume that your brake pads are wearing down. The disruptive sound is caused by a metal shim built into the brake pad, which makes a noise when the pad is on its way out. Do not ignore this sound, as it could be an indication of more serious brake problems. Vibrations If you feel vibrations or pulsations through the brake pedal or steering wheel when you press on the brakes, it could also mean your brake pads are bad. If not, it could also be an indication of a warped rotor or oth ... read more